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Why I created this website

Im a 16 years old girl. I do about 3 hours of sport everyday, professionally because I want to become a tennis player. I do 1 hour of personal training and 2 hours of tennis everyday. Sometimes it's hard, because it takes up all of my time to do other things, but it is something I want to do. 


This has inspired me to create a website about exercise and nutrition, because I wanted to encourage people to do more exercise and have a healthier life. Doing sport is fun for many people, and it has many benefits at the same time. Exercising is good for people of all ages, at their own paste. A good nutrition is also very important for the health, and that is why I want to make sure that everyone is aware of that.


Exercising and eating well is not only to keep keep in shape, it also makes you have a longer life, prevent diseases and much more that you can read in my posts.


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About me and why I created this website

My name is Amanda Montes and I'm a teenager. I do about 3 hours of intensive sport everyday, because I want to become a tennis player. I do 1 hour of personal training and 2 hours of tennis everyday. Sometimes it's hard, because it takes up all of my time to do other things, but it is something I want to do. 


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